Kara’s Story

I've always been inspired and endlessly curious about spirituality, the body, and why people are the way they are.

I found my way to The Barbara Brennan School of Healing and my world completely changed. After four incredible years of extensive energy healing training and personal transformation work, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Brennan Healing Science.

My awe of the human body next led me to Cortiva Institute Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy, where I became a Licensed Massage Therapist.

The Institute of Integrative Nutrition was my next calling in learning about how food impacts every aspect of our health, and how our health is a direct reflection of every aspect of our life.

 I’ve always wanted to help people, that was a non-negotiable for me, but helping people can look A LOT of different ways. I never found my dream job, so I created my own.

The common thread throughout my life has been following my intuition in finding things that felt the most like me.

Enrolling in college for Energy Healing despite it being an unconventional choice? Yep, that feels like me.

Moving to Colorado during the pandemic despite only having lived in PA for my entire life? I know I’m supposed to be there.

Bangs? Hell yes.

I do what I love the most: help people to feel like themselves.

I'm truly in love with everything that this work consists of and am continually amazed by the depth of each person's unique journey. Whether we work together hands-on or hands-off, I’m right there with you.

Here's to the journey together!


Kara Laudenslager

Healing is your birthright.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

-Mary Oliver