Energy Healing

Brennan Healing Science Energy Healing

Energy...come again?

You are ENERGY! Yes, you! 

Everything about you and your life are energy. That out-of-the-blue memory from seventh grade that popped into your mind when you were at a red light? That’s energy and it’s in your energy field. Now just think of all of the endless stored memories and emotions that you aren’t even aware of. Clearing old, outdated, unwanted energy blocks (red light reminders) open up space for what you ACTUALLY want to be feeling.

It’s hard to experience a change in life when you keep running the same story (conscious or unconsciously). It’s a lot easier to feel like yourself when you’re free from the energy of your past.


The sessions are fully clothed, with only the removal of shoes. We set an intention beforehand and I use light touch to channel energy into different areas of the body. Most people feel deeply relaxed and realize new insights about themselves.

An energy healing session releases the kinks, bends and interruptions in your energy system, supporting health, wellness and a more vibrant life. Each person is on their own unique healing journey, each session is reflective and supportive of that process.

What’s Brennan Healing Science?

Developed by Dr. Barbara Brennan, Brennan Healing Science (BHS) is the most advanced level of training of any healing modality that works with the human energy field. The Barbara Brennan School of Healing is a 4-year degree program.

Long-Distance Healings

energy knows no bounds

Have you experienced thinking of someone and then they called? That's a perfect example of tapping into the Universal Energy Field. The same Field that we're all connected to. Sometimes we feel more connected than at other times. I'm able to do a Long-Distance session because I'm intentionally tapping into that Field that connects us to each other.

Done over the phone, these sessions are perfect for scheduling, time zone or unforeseen conflicts.

75 minute Long-Distance Healing Session- $120

Healing experiences from beautiful people:

“One of the most valuable things I learned was that I learned about myself. I learned to accept, understand and love the person I am. It feels good to love who you are- and learn more about myself. I think it helps me love other people in my life and appreciate my relationships with them. In working with Kara I feel excited each time we have a session to grow more and get unstuck from whatever is bothering me. I gain insight every time - new nuggets of my truth that I didn’t realize before.”

— MaryKay

“The beauty of working with Kara is the simple yet incredibly powerful questions she asks. This allows you to truly think about, process, and verbalize what’s most meaningful, and then focus on integrating the body-brain-soul connection while she works with you. This leads to incredible feelings of peace and insight, which can be truly life-altering!”

— Ali

“I’ve been working with Kara for over a year now and the time spent has given me a sense of who I really am at an energetic level, increasingly uncompromised by old patterns of domestication and socialization. I have greater freedom to follow my intuition and make my own decisions, unencumbered by old voices and externally imposed restraints.”

— Fred

“Since I first started seeing Kara probably five years ago now, once in person and since then through distance sessions, I've always experienced that, whenever I'm feeling down, after a full session of energy healing with her, I feel immediately uplifted (often after waking up having rested and slept during the session).”

— Grateful

“Energy Healing with Kara has changed my life! I first came to Kara while I was going through a challenging life transition. At that time, Energy Healing helped me to cope with the emotional pain (and sometimes physical pain), understand the meaning behind the situation, and gain perspective on the long-term benefits of this situation. I believe that through my Energy Healing with Kara, I was able to heal current and past pain in order to move forward with a renewed spirit. I have been getting Energy Healing with Kara for over a year now and she continues to guide me through life's ups and down with support and guidance through Energy Healing.”

— Kristi

“Thank you for helping me work through some of the issues I was having around the rapid (and awesome!) growth of my business! I am at peace and excited with the forward progress being made. Thanks for your perspective and your expertise.”

— Marie

Hmm, should I* try energy work?

  • Have you been experiencing different emotions without knowing the root of where they’re coming from?

  • Do you feel stuck?

  • Do you notice certain patterns playing out over and over again in your life? “Why does this keep happening to me?!”

  • Are you at a crossroads in life, or just feel the need to make a change?

  • Do you keep being in relationships that are similar to your past relationships? 

*trick question: everyone should

My most common (and perhaps favorite) comment after a healing is:

"I feel like myself again."

75 minute In-Person Healing Session- $150